
Friday, March 14, 2014

Comfort Reads

A few too many family health crises this week = no time, and no brain space, left for blogging :-(

But check out this post by Dear Author blogger Janet about "comfort reads," something I'm definitely in need of right now.

What romance novels do you turn to when you're in need of comfort? And what kind of comfort do they offer?

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything will get better. Write whenever you have the time or the mood. We readers will still be here when you come back.
    SBTB made a post about 'Bad-Day Reads' on March 06: 'Bad Day Re-Reads: Books That Make It All Better'. A lot of people made great suggestions.
    Mine was: Lady Sophia’s Lover by Kleypas, SEP’s It Had To Be You and anything by Kinsale.
    Now you ask what kind of comfort they give, and I think the gist of it is how well those books take you to their world, to their stories, how easily they make you forget your actual problems.
    So I think it's no so much 'where this book takes me' but 'how easily this book takes me there'.
